kite making ideas book reviewe

Kite Making Ideas Book Review: Asian Kites for Kids

Publisher: Tuttle Publishing


Format: HardcoverDate


Illustrations:15 kite projects; color illustrations

Number of Pages:48

Trim Size:7 1/2 X 10

Let’s Fly a Kite! A Book That Features Kite Making Ideas


If you are a crafter that is interested in kite making ideas, you will love this little gem of a book. Wayne Hosking, the author, is a world-renowned kite authority and teacher. The book covers every aspect of kite making from the history of kites, supplies needed, terminology, tips, and tricks to safety rules. This publication will teach you everything you need to know to make and fly kites successfully! Although it is written for children, adults will appreciate the information!

Tuttle Publishing is a company that is devoted to promoting the cultures of Asia, so it follows that all of the kite making ideas would feature Asian design. The tutorials have two kite ideas from China, two from Malaysia, two from Thailand, two from Korea, and seven from Japan. The instructions are thorough, well thought out and easy to follow.

The kite making ideas are quite lovely yet straightforward enough for children to make! The projects vary in recommended children’s ages ranging from 7-12. My personal favorite is the butterfly kite which a child as young as seven could readily produce.

Another excellent feature is a section at the back of the book that gives teachers some ideas and examples for using the kite crafts in their classrooms.

The only minor complaint that I have is that perhaps there could be a demonstration CD or a link to a YouTube video that could show you how to make kites with a visual presentation.

Asian Kites For Kids is a book that should be in every kite makers collection. You will undoubtedly be inspired by the many beautiful examples found in the book. Even if you have been making kites for years, you will see you still have more to learn.

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