heart wreath DIY

Heart Wreath DIY That is Simple and Easy to Make

Celebrate Valentine’s day with this sweet Heart Wreath DIY, which is so easy to craft. Once you have all of your supplies gathered you can make the wreath in less than ten minutes. The wreath is so beautiful you will want to make some for your friends and family. Hang the wreath on your front door, and everyone that enters your home will feel the love.

What You Need to Craft the Heart Wreath DIY:

Supplies Needed for Heart Wreath DIY:

  • Silk Floral Bush (make sure the flowers are pink and red with an exciting variety of foliage
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • White ribbon
  • Heart shaped grapevine wreath

    Remove the Flower Heads From the Stems


Cut the silk flower heads from the floral silk bush and arrange on a tabletop according to type and color.  Make sure to leave 1 to 2 inches of the stem so that you have enough stem left to tuck into the wreath base.


Remove the Leaf Foliage From the Flower Bush

Do the same with all the greenery from the floral silk bush. You will probably not use all of the decorative silk pieces, so store the extras in a plastic bag for future use.

Arrange your leaves and flowers onto the wreath temporarily without glue to determine the placement that pleases you. Once you are happy with the groupings of the greenery take of picture of the arrangement on your phone so you can use it as a guide. Remove all of the foliage from the wreath


Glue the First Layer of Leafs Onto the Twig Heart Shaped Base

Hot glue a layer of green foliage onto the wreath. The green silk leaves will be your base layer.

Attach the Flower Heads to the Heart Base

Pick the floral heads and other types of foliage and hot glue them into place on your DIY floral heart wreath.

Add a Ribbon to Your Wreath

Your wreath is now ready to hang on your front door to welcome all those that enter your home with love!